Friday, January 23, 2009

A Shout Out

Hey everyone. Eric here. I thought that I should give a shout out to all you faithful readers, all four of you that is, (just kidding, I have no idea who follows our blog).

First of all, Happy Birthday to Hannah, our daughter, who is 7 today, and also Happy Birthday to my mom, and to Jean Claubert's wife! We should have a party!

Things at NHHM are going pretty well. Yesterday we sent Lucson home to his family in the states. We had a good visit with Brooks (his dad), Tim (his grandpa) and Telius (his uncle). Brooks and Lesley have been so patient in the process of adopting Lucson, they actually started the process three years ago!

On another note, we said goodbye earlier in the month to Wilson and Medja Innocent, and their son Jean Daniel. They answered God's call to return to the states, and did just that! They will be missed, but we know God will take care of them (and us). Their departure has left Jennifer and I in charge of the day to day overseeing of the orphanage. It has taken the kids a little while to get used to our style of doing things, but I'm sure they will adjust soon.

This Sunday we will be going to church in Balan, and will be starting to teach Sunday School. Jennifer is going to teach the young kids, and I am going to lead a class for men. This week I am teaching on Galatians 3:10-14. Come join us!

Also on Sunday, my mom is flying in for a visit. We are excited to have her here with us!

Keep looking, I'll continue to post, hopefully with more regularity (in the posting, that is)


Lisa said...

Happy Birthday Hannah!!!
Love Gigi

salvant7 said...

Happy Birthday, Hannah and Madame Belton!