Friday, February 29, 2008

Rolling the dice...

Not that this is a game of any sort, nor are we gamblers, but I'm rolling the proverbial dice to get this blog off the ground! I'm not going to mention how I'm new to the whole blogging scene, and how it might take a while to figure it all out. That not said, you can expect some pictures and other interesting tidbits in a few days.

Oh yeah, we are hoping to be in Haiti by September 1, 2008. That may be quite an easy goal for some people. We are not those people. It will be nothing short of a miracle to make this happen. Our house is still partially gutted, we have all our belongings spread out in three different locations, of which 90% of it is not going to Haiti. Things to sell, things to ship, things to buy, shots to get, passports to buy, a baby to bring into the number five that is. She is the tiebreaker. With Christa(7), Hannah(6), Wilson(3), and Jett(2), we needed one more to break the tie. We don't yet know her name, but for $100 you can suggest one, cash is fine.

Anyway, as my first blog, I have no idea how to end it, so...