The New Hope Haiti Mission Christmas party was held Christmas Eve for all the staff and the kids. It was a fabulous party-everyone received gifts, ate a bunch of food, sang and praised God for His provision for these kids through the orphanage here.
In order to prepare for the party, Medja and I had been working feverishly. Baking cookies, cakes, and turkeys filled much of the three days before. Here lies the continuation of the Jingle Bells entry...Eric failed to mention that he and Mr. Wilson killed the rat behind our oven, the oven which is a notorious rat hide-out. Medja and I made a huge double batch of oatmeal raisin cookies. My girls were helping along with a couple of girls from downstairs. The first two cookie sheets full were done and looked beautiful. The second set were in the oven baking. All was going smoothly and the kitchen smelled wonderfully.
Suddenly a loud bang crashed, the broiler door flew open, the oven door came open and small amount of smoke poured into the room. Immediately an unexplained stink flooded the kitchen. My first and only thought was that a rat exploded inside the oven. I couldn't look-I wasn't going to find an exploded rat inside the very oven where we cook all of our food. We were going to throw out this oven a buy a new one. I was never going to use this oven again.
Upon closer inspection (by Eric and Mr.Wilson) a can of tuna was found in the broiler. You see, Wilson and Medja have a sweet, sweet 18 month boy Jean Daniel. We believe he was the culprit who placed the can of tuna in the broiler. (We lost our dustpan a couple of weeks ago to melting in the very same place!) Needless to say, we didn't want to serve the oatmeal raisin tuna cookies at the party. I took them downstairs to see if the kids might want to eat them...They loved them!!
Oatmeal Raisin Rat vs Oatmeal Raisin Tuna--Neither sound very appetizing to me, but I guess I will still use the oven...